Talisma CRM Load Testing: 5 Things You Need to Know Before Load Testing Talisma CRM

Talisma CRM Application Testing

Talisma CRM offers a tremendous amount of value to higher education institutions. It allows them to manage students, alumni, donors, patients, families, and patrons. Sophisticated tracking components allow for higher education institutions to track students from the date a send in their application until well past graduation. With all this information, you can use Talisma to communicate with them with multiple types of communication devices.

All of these benefits are only possible if Talisma CRM is performing the way that it is supposed to perform. With many institutions that use Talisma CRM, the system breaks down when it is stressed with multiple users attempting to access its functions at the same time. When performance gets bogged down, all of its users– from students to administration officials – are understandably frustrated.

Indeed, performance problems can even hit the bottom line.

You do not have to find out about these problems after receiving a bunch of angry phone calls from students. Instead, you can perform load tests on the software before launching it into a live environment. Before load testing Talisma CRM, you should know the following five things.

1. Load Tests can be Expensive in Time and Resources if Done Improperly

The biggest frustration most organizations have with load testing is that it can become expensive, both in time and resources. Many load testing applications require sophisticated coding and take a long time to set up and execute.

2. Load Tests from the End-User’s Point of View Will Give you the Best Results

Talisma CRM is popular in large part because it uses is web-based applications. Your constituents can access it from anywhere with multiple types of devices. You want to get the best results possible from your load testing, you need to be able to load test from the end users point of view and simulate access from different types of devices and browsers.

3. You Should Perform Multiple Load Tests

One load tester is not good enough with Talisma CRM. The amount of stress that it will be under in a live environment will vary depending on the time of the year. For example, when prospective students are frantically filling out their applications right before the deadline, it will be under a great deal of stress compared to normal times.

Because of this, you should set up and execute multiple load tests on Talisma CRM. In general, you should perform a load test for normal levels of stress along with higher-than-expected levels of stress. By doing so, you can see exactly under what levels of stress its performance will begin to suffer.

4. Protocol Independent Load Testing Applications Will Give You the Most Versatility

When you are shopping for a load tester, you may be on the lookout for a load tester designed specifically for Talisma CRM. The problem with a load tester like this that is protocol dependent is that you are limited in what kinds of the durations you can test your Talisma CRM systems. You will probably need to purchase licensing fees, which also increases the cost of performing load tests.

It is actually better to invest in a load tester that is protocol independent. You protocol independent load tester means that you can set up and execute load tests on any type of configuration that your Talisma CRM are on. You will not need to purchase licensing fees and can use the load testing application to load test other applications that you have.

5. Load Testing is a Team Effort

It order to successfully set up and execute load tests on Talisma CRM applications, you need to involve multiple departments. Developers and IT professionals are all required in order to properly execute and apply the results of your load tests.

Of course much of your load testing success will depend on the load tester that you select. As each of these five things illustrates, selecting the wrong load tester can greatly hinder your results and make load testing itself uneconomical. On the other hand, selecting the right load testing application ensures that you will get the best results possible with the least investment in human and capital resources.

AppLoader is an excellent Talisma CRM load testing application. This easy to use piece of software can set up and execute load tests quickly. It is protocol independent, which means you do not have to purchase expensive licensing fees. In short, with AppLoader you get effective, efficient and affordable load tests.

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