Demantra Load Testing: How To Load Test Demantra


Demantra Application Testing


The important of load testing cannot be overstated. Load testing allows you to determine whether or not the setup of your Demantra software can handle the amount of stress that it will be put under when it is accessed by multiple users simultaneously.

If done improperly, however, load testing can be a substantial burden in time and resources. On the other hand, if you load test correctly, then you can get useful data in a short amount of time without breaking the bank. In fact, load testing more or less pays for itself over time.

After all, think about how costly performance issues can be for software like Demantra. If you cannot accurately track and project demand for your products, then that directly affects your bottom line. Identifying these performance issues before it is costly like this is a wise business decision.

So let’s talk about how to load test Demantra correctly.

The Right Load Tester

The single most important decision that you will make is which load testing application you will use to load test with. Picking the wrong load tester will make your load testing efforts very unpleasant. On the other hand, picking the right load tester can give you great results at a reasonable cost.

When you are shopping around for load testers, there are a few features that you should look out for.

First of all, you want to select a load tester that is protocol independent. Load testers that only operate with certain protocols do not give you the same flexibility that protocol independent load testers give you, plus they usually come with expensive licensing fees.

Second, you want to select a load tester that tests from the end user’s point of view. A load tester that tests from the end user’s point of view will report to you what the experience will actually be like for the people using the software.

Finally, you want to select a load tester that is easy to use. In the case of load testing, complexity does not equal power. You want a load tester with which you can quickly set up and execute multiple load tests with. This helps keep labor costs down and prevents the delay of the launch of the software.

A load tester that meets all three of these requirements is AppLoader. The best Demantra load tester on the market, it has these three features and, in addition, presents data to you in easy to interpret charts and graphs so that you can quickly apply the data that the tests generate.

As you will see, investing in a quality load tester like AppLoader will make the following steps easy.


Once you have your load tester, you need to actually set up your first load test. Before doing so, you want to develop some clear estimates of the amount of stress your software will be under in a live environment.

If you have another demand tracking software in operation, you can use the stress that it is put under as a reference. If not, then you will need to make an intelligent estimation.

In addition, you should estimate the amount of stress it will be put under during periods of higher demand. In most cases, retail is seasonal. Ensuring that your software will be able to handle the additional stress of, say, the holiday period is a wise thing to do.

Once you have these estimates, you should prepare the actual load tests. You should perform multiple load tests to gauge both normal levels of stress and higher than expected levels of stress. Be sure to coordinate your testing with developers and IT teams.


If you selected the right load tester, then actually executing your load tests should be pretty straightforward. Just tell the load tester what to stress, the kinds of users that it should simulate, and how much stress to put it under.

You should conduct multiple load tests on the software. Again you want to test for both the normal expected level of stress that it will be under, along with higher than expected levels of stress.

Once you get your results, analyze the data. If there are performance bottlenecks at certain levels of stress, then you need to coordinate with your different teams to fix them. If there are no performance issues, than you can launch it into a live environment with confidence!

Again, the key is to select the right load tester. AppLoader is one load tester that will ensure that your load testing efforts are successful. If you make the investment in AppLoader and follow the plan discussed in this article, you will take an important step in ensuring the successful implementation of Demantra into your company.



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