Hyperion Application Testing
Oracle’s acquisition of Hyperion greatly expanded its performance management capabilities. Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management applications is one of the more popular products of this partnership. When it performs well, it makes tracking and optimizing employee performance easy.
Of course, for your company to enjoy these benefits, it needs to actually perform the way that it is supposed to perform. One common cause of poor performance is the stress of multiple users accessing the application simultaneously.
When implementing Hyperion applications into your company, you want to conduct performance tests to determine whether or not it is truly ready to function in a live environment. One important performance tests to perform is load testing. Load testing gauges the performance capabilities of the application under stress by simulating multiple users accessing the application at the same time.
There is a right way and a wrong way to load test. Many companies do not load test properly, and as a result they run into all sorts of load testing challenges. This article will tell you step by step how to properly load test your Hyperion applications so that you get the most useful data possible at the least cost.
Selecting The Right Tools
Ultimately your ability to successfully load test depends on the load testing application that you use. Selecting the wrong load testing application can doom your load testing efforts from the beginning.
Do not fall into the trap of blindly purchasing a load tester. Instead, understand what features a good load tester has and proactively seek out one with those features. If you are a savvy buyer, then getting the right load tester is no trouble at all!
So what are the most important features to look out for? When it comes to getting quality data, a load tester that tests from the end user’s point of view will give you the most realistic results possible. When it comes to flexibility, a protocol independent load tester will allow you to test your Hyperion applications regardless of how they are set up. When it comes to keeping costs under control and avoiding delays, ease of use is important.
Once you have the right load testing application, you can actually go about setting up your load tests. Before load testing, you need to determine the amount of stress that you will be testing for. You can use your current applications as a reference for your estimates.
You want to determine both the normal levels of stress that the application will be under, along with higher than expected levels of stress that it may receive.
If you selected a good load tester, actually setting up and executing your load tests should be a simple matter of telling the load tester what to stress, along with how much stress you would like to put it under.
You should run multiple load tests on your Hyperion applications for both the normal levels of stress that you expect it to be under, along with higher than normal levels of stress that it may find itself under.
If you set up and execute multiple load tests, you can gain more confidence in the applications ability to perform. You will know that even if it receives an unusually large amount of demand, it will still hold up and perform properly.
So as you can see, at every step in the process, the Hyperion load testing application that you select is crucial. One example of a load tester that is protocol independent, easy to use, and tests from the end user’s point of view is AppLoader.
With these features, AppLoader makes load testing affordable, effective and timely. It is possible to set up and execute multiple load tests in a short amount of time, which allows you to identify and correct bottlenecks without delaying the implementation of the application in a live environment.
After properly load testing your Hyperian applications, you can take full advantage of its features to track and manage the performance of your employees and properly manage your company’s talent.