Talisma Fundraising Application Testing
Successful fundraising efforts require effective coordination within organizations, good communication between organizations and their donors, and the ability to effectively receive and track donations. Talisma Fundraising gives these capabilities to organizations of all types. This makes it one of the most popular fundraising systems out there.
In order to ensure that your Talisma Fundraising set up performs well under stress, and therefore gives your organization and its donors all these benefits, it is important to perform adequate amount of load testing before launching into a live environment. Here are some of the most important things you need to know before load testing your Talisma Fundraising set up.
1. Perform Multiple Load Tests
Fundraising is by definition cyclical. The organization does not receive the same number of donations every single day, there are usually ups and downs that coordinate with certain periods of time. This means that when it is live, your Talisma Fundraising set up will receive different levels of stress.
If you perform multiple load tests at different levels of stress, you can see whether or not it will hold up well during those periods of high activity as well as periods of normal activity.
2. Talisma Fundraising Can be Accessed from Multiple Devices
Talisma Fundraising is web-based and can be accessed by users anywhere using multiple browsers and devices. This is a great feature that gives donors some great benefits, but presents a challenge for many load testing applications. When shopping for a load testing application, you need to be sure that it is capable of properly simulating multiple users accessing Talisma Fundraising from multiple devices.
3. Load Tests can be Expensive and Time Consuming
The danger with load testing is that it becomes a huge financial burden and delays the launch of your application. This is a problem that arises with many load testing applications. Costs really add up when hidden consulting and licensing fees add up as each load test is set up and executed. A load testing application that is easy to use and protocol independent will minimize costs and prevent serious delays from occurring.
4. Load Testing from the End-User’s Point of View Will Produce the Best Results
The most effective load testing is performed from the end users point of view. The reason why is because it allows you to get a glimpse into what it will be like for your users who actually experience the application. When selecting a load testing application, it is important to choose one that tests from the end users point of view.
5. You Must Actually Apply the Results
It seems so simple, but many load testing applications make it difficult to actually apply the results of load tests in a meaningful way. When you finish a load test, you want to be over to see if there any bottlenecks under different levels of stress and then make the necessary adjustments to rectify the situation. If there are not any problems, you want to go to see that and launch the application with confidence.
Now the most important decision you will need to make when load testing Talisma Fundraising is the load testing application that you will use. AppLoader is a protocol independent load testing application that performs affordable, efficient and effective load tests on Talisma Fundraising, along with just about every type of application. For this reason, it is a great load testing application for Talisma Fundraising that any kind of organization can use.
Given the critical importance of fundraising to your organization, selecting the right load testing tool that will allow you to adequately load test before going live is one of the best investments you will make. After all, it could more than pay for.