Oracle EBusiness Suite Load Testing: How to Load Test Oracle EBusiness Suite Applications

Oracle EBusiness Suite Application Testing


There is not a ton of information out there about how to load test your Oracle EBusiness Suite applications. This is surprising giving how important load testing is for the successful implementation of these applications.

The allure of these applications is that they cover just about every part of your business, from finances to human resources. Yet the benefits that your company enjoys from them are limited when they do not perform properly.

The last thing you want to do is find out about performance issues when your employees and customers need your Oracle EBusiness Suite applications the most. As you scramble to fix those performance issues, your employee’s productivity and bottom line all take a beating.

Load testing allows you to prevent this from happening. This article discusses how to set up and execute an effective load test on all of your Oracle EBusiness Suite applications.

These steps will minimize the amount of delay in launching your applications and ensure that you get the best results possible. Regardless of what protocols and set ups those applications are under, the guidelines in this article hold true.

Step 1: Identify Your Load Testing Needs

Most enterprises are not clear about what exactly their load testing needs are. Because of this, they do not get the data that would be most beneficial for them to get.

You also need to consider how much time and resources you can reasonably commit to load testing. Given how important load testing is, you should be willing to commit enough resources to get the job done. As you will see, however, this does not mean that you have to spend an exorbitant amount money or time with load testing even the full Oracle EBusiness Suite.

Step 2: Select The Right Load Testing Application For The Job

Selecting the right load tester will make or break your load testing operations. With Oracle EBusiness Suite applications, you need to select a load tester that is capable of testing multiple applications running different protocols.

For example, some applications in the suite are based off Java coding, whereas others are based off .NET. Many load testers cannot handle both, but there are protocol independent ones that can.

AppLoader is an example of a load tester that can handle all of them. AppLoader is protocol independent and fully capable of testing every single one of your Oracle EBusiness Suite applications.

AppLoader tests from the end user’s perspective and gives quality data reporting, which means that you can easily take and apply the data that you get to make the right adjustments to your applications.

AppLoader is affordable, timely and effective. While other load testers can take weeks or months to perform basic load tests, AppLoader can perform tests in days or, in some cases, hours. This means you can dedicate less money and time to testing and more of it into developing new applications and making existing ones better.

Another bonus is that you can fully customize AppLoader’s end-user parameters, which means you can simulate different users accessing your applications from different browsers and connections. If one application is accessed primarily through a PC web browser while another is accessed using a tablet, that can be accounted for.

Step 3: Plan Ahead

Once you have your load tester and are ready to begin load testing a new application, take some time and figure out some important things. Perhaps the most important thing to determine before testing is how much stress you should put on your applications under during the load tests.

You should be able to get a pretty good estimate of the amount of stress your application will be under by looking at similar applications that are already functioning. For example, if you are load testing Oracle Financials, you should look at any existing financial management application that you have and see what kind of stress it is normally put under.

It is a good idea to think about situations in which your application will be under more stress than normal. Ultimately you should perform multiple load tests to account for these above-average amounts of stress.

Step 4: Set The Parameters

The nice thing about AppLoader is that it is easy to use. While other load testers require you to do complex coding when setting up each load test, AppLoader simply requires you to tell it what application to test and under what levels of stress to test it under.

All you need to do is figure out the parameters and collect the data.

Step 5: Run Multiple Load Tests

It is a good idea to run multiple load tests on each application in the suite. AppLoader’s speed and ease-of-use makes this easy. Within days you can have a complete set of data which tells you how well your application will perform under both normal levels of stress and higher than expected levels of stress.

If you follow the steps, you will be able to properly test all of your Oracle EBusiness Suite applications. This will help you avoid those disastrous situations where your applications do not perform the way they are supposed to.

Ultimately if you follow these steps, your employees will be happy, your customers will be happy, and your bottom line will be healthier.


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